Mafia Family

“Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me.”
-Don Corleone

We have seen the movies and TV shows of the mafia family and for those of us who haven’t grownup in cultures where the extended mafia family is present there is something a bit glamours to us about what we see on the screen.  For some of us we see the money and think that would be nice but I believe at the core of what we see and desire is the family connection.  What we see in the mafia family is a connection that says “no mater what, I’m here for you just the same as you are for me“.

In the very core value of what family is I believe that any family should be like a mafia family and we shouldn’t need to look to a mafia families for the example.  In the busyness of our modern life for a lot of us family is forgotten and neglected.  I’m not only saying this of the western culture I see the same loss in some of the eastern cultures that value work and individuals status rather than where we came from and those we should be concerned about.

Mafia family goes beyond blood because many times our extended blood family doesn’t know or understand where we are because we have taken a different path in life.  mafia family is similar to friendship and might even be mistaken for friendship sometimes but is so much stronger than that.  I have three other guys in my life right now that I feel closest to.  I would say that each of them are friends and that is maybe the depth.  One of the guys in this group is without a doubt mafia family to me and my blood family as I am to him and his.  Sometimes it is years of friendship that grows to this but other times it can be an instant.  I believe the moment that defines the change from acquaintances to mafia family is when you can put all your shit out on the table and say this is me—wait—and if they have your back when others attack, they don’t use your shit against you, in the moment when life sucks the most, that is when you become mafia family.

Mafia Family

I have had a relationship like this in my life for many years now.  We only in the past few months started talking and realizing it was and has been a mafia family, a mafia bond.  Even through the years we have had each others back no mater the cost to us.  The bond can be so deep that when we are in the face of a group we aren’t running to each other but we are having acquaintance conversations with others seeing if there is anyone else out there that is real.  For us it has even been mistaken and hidden from the public because it isn’t our concern to tell the world we got each others backs unless a situation presents itself. What we have sometimes under the radar of others I feel makes the bond even stronger.

We can all do this.  I would suggest finding that mafia family because no mater our status in life we need someone to stand up to us and say, “I have your back no mater what!

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